If you are like me, you decreased your running mileage on the treadmill this winter and are eager to get back to outdoor running with the weather warming up. If you are just starting your running journey, are picking it back up after a winter off, or are looking to increase your speed and mileage, read below!
- Pick an appropriate amount of days per week to start. Depending on where you are starting, pick a realistic number of days to start running, maybe that is 1-2 days a week if you are new to running or took the winter off, or 3-4 if you continued training over the winter months.
- Slowly ramp miles up. If you are building back up, add 1-1.5miles per week to your runs. You can add it to one longer run, or break up the added mileage to multiple runs throughout the week.
- Don’t be afraid to walk! Performing intervals of walking and running is a great way to build yourself up to running, especially if you are newer to this form of exercise.
- Choose either speed or miles to increase on your run. What is your priority? If you want to increase both, pick a longer run to increase your mileage, while also doing a shorter run during the week to work on your speed.
- Take rest days. Prioritize your recovery, by adding in rest days to allow yourself to perform at your highest level during your run/workout days.
- Start or continue your strength training. Make sure to continue your strength training to minimize risk of injury and overuse. If you do not strength train, this is a reminder it is important and helpful to build up your running!
- Don’t compare yourself! To others or to yourself last summer/the last time you ran. You will get to where you want to be if you train smart and gradually increase distance/speed.
Schuyler Archambault, PT, DPT, CSCS
Brookline/Allston clinic.