February 21, 2022

How to advocate for yourself with your healthcare provider

Think about or write down your symptoms prior to your appointment:

A well-thought-out list of symptoms can help improve clear communication between you and your PT/healthcare provider which may help them to make a more accurate diagnosis.

Notice what activities are limited and have an idea of what activities you would like to get back to:

One of the main focuses of PT is to keep you active!

Your PT will likely ask you to estimate how long you can tolerate certain activities or positions, so pay attention to your limitations before your appointment.

Be ready to have the body part that is bothering you examined:

It is helpful if you wear clothes that are stretchy so the area can be exposed.

Ask questions:

You will have better results if you know what is happening with your body.

Ask any questions that you have, and if you don’t understand something, ask your PT to explain it in a different way.

Voice your concerns:

If you have concerns about what you may be experiencing, your PT can provide you with information about how they formed your treatment plan.

Your PT can also modify your treatment plan according to your concerns.

Take notes:

It can be difficult to remember information given at medical appointments. Feel free to write down key points during the appointment!

Consider finding a different provider if you don’t click with your healthcare provider:

You should feel supported and cared for by your healthcare provider. This may take a few tries. Be persistent in finding healthcare providers that you click with.